Have you entered to win yet? There is still time!
Beginning on August 19th, that will be here before you know it friends, The Old Schoolhouse Expo will begin! Why am I excited? I have not been to a homeschool conference in Y-E-A-R-S! I am starting full time school back next week and need some inspiration! And I love, love, love some of these speakers and look forward to hearing some new ones!
Let me take a quick second to tell you about a few -
Andrew Pudewa
Know him? He is the founder of The Institute for Excellence in Writing, or IEW as we homeschoolers affectionately call it. In my opinion, it is the best writing program out there and is solely responsible for my college student making A's on every paper she has written. Seriously, I take NO credit but gladly give it all to Mr. Pudewa! In addition, he is a phenomenal speaker who makes you laugh while imparting word after word of wisdom. Can you tell I am a fan?
Hal and Melanie Young
I have admired and followed this Godly couple for years since first reading their book Raising Real Men. In fact, I recently reviewed it for them with delight and will be doing another review with a giveaway attached in a few weeks for an audio set they publish. If you have boys in your life, (they have 6!), this is a couple you want to hear speak on Shining Armor: Your Son’s Battle for Purity!
Jennifer Courtney
This will not be a new name for you Classical Conversations gals, but she is newer to me. I love the Classical education approach and am really looking forward to hearing her speak!
Kim Kautzer
This speaker is doing a workshop on lazy students...enough said! ;) She is founder of WriteShop, a program we had the privilege of reviewing last year with great success. We are using the beginning with my 1st grader this year and can't wait to start next week.
...and on and on and on!
There are just too many to name, so once I start listening to them all I will pop back in and add to my list of favorites. Remember, you do not have to be available to listen to all the speakers live. We do, after all, have to school, cook and clean sometime. For that reason, included in the price of your ticket are the recordings of the sessions to listen to at your leisure.
Don't forget to sign up for your chance to win a free ticket!
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