Have you heard about Doorposts? How about the If-Then Chart? Or maybe the Blessing Chart or Brother Offended Chart? Those are some of the awesome parenting and character training resources they are best known for. But now get ready to add another fabulous resource one to the list!
Doorposts is now offering a lovely bible study Beauty in the Heart, A Study of Godly Beauty for Young Women, intended for girls ages 12 and up. Using 9 chapters, and one for review, focusing on women of the Bible such as Sarah, Esther and Ruth, Beauty in the Heart is aimed on teaching modesty, true beauty, discretion and more in only 5-20 minutes a day. Each chapter is broken into varying number of days, breaking it up into manageable pieces for up to two weeks of study per chapter.
This is not just your ordinary quick Bible study though! Throughout each study, young girls are taught skills such as using a concordance, using different Bible translations, using Nave's Topical Bible, using free Bible study tools on the computer and how to use marginal notes. Each chapter alternates how the subject matter is taught with inductive study, verse study, character study, book study and word study. At the end of the book you can also find an Alternate Questions section for young men, which replace any questions that were directly asked of girls in each chapter.
How did we use this-
Because we encourage all of our children to have daily quiet time and Bible study, which differs from year to year in how it looks, we were excited to be able to try out the Beauty in the Heart study with our 15 year old daughter. Each day she reads the section assigned and does the work on her own. I have sneaked a peek of her work from time to time, but I want her to own it and not have mom hovering by, so I have tried to allow her some privacy. We had the agreement that if she had any trouble or questions she would come to me and ask for help. Because she is 15 she is use to working pretty independently anyway.
Our copy for review was comb binding. Final copies will be offered in lay-flat paperback! |
Her thoughts-
R here(;
I definitely enjoyed this study. I liked how it wasn't just a fill in the blank workbook; you had to work and pay attention to the passages for the answers. The questions really caused me to think. One of my favorite ways of studying is the Observe and the the Interpret methods that are taught. I'll use these methods again.
We have enjoyed and highly recommend this study for your young girls! It is well written, well organized and spot on at speaking to the heart of young girls today, as well as offering Bible study skills that will serve them well for years to come. With the philosophy of "Our goal is to provide you with tools that make your job easier", how can you go wrong?!
You can pre-order Beauty in the Heart for $14.00, as the printed books will begin shipping Aug 28th. If you order now, you will also receive a free instant- downloadable copy of the study.
Doorposts also offers a new Bible Study for young men, Because You Are Strong. You can read about it as well as more reviews on Beauty in the Heart by clicking on the banner below.
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