Friday, April 6, 2012

Menus and mother in laws...

Our first week of our monthly shopping has gone very well, ie. I did not forget too many things we needed when we shopped. But...we are taking at least two days off our schedule starting today.

My beloved is having arm surgery this morning, and because my health has not been up to par lately, the Calvary has been called in! Yipeeeeeeee! My in laws are coming to help and we are so thankful! Since we are not sure how long we will be gone even though he is scheduled for an "out-patient" procedure, we will feel better that they kiddos are not alone. 


My mother in law is a great southern cook! She's just a great cook. So the kids are so excited to be fed by Grandmama for a few be pampered and spoiled, to make homemade treats and play games. ALP is excited to have help from her grandfather in the garden (we will post pictures next week) since dad is going to be out of commission with his arm for 4-6 weeks we are told. That's where she gets her green thumb, Grandfather, not's a picture of the area they will be working on.

So no recipes today, I am off to the hospital with CP, but I would ask that you join us in prayer for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.
Daddy and his boys


  1. Praying for CP, his medical team, you and your family!

  2. Cute hats! Just said a prayer for his surgery! I am attempting some yard work too...and was so glad I got some help from my next door neighbors they didn't want the value of the neighborhood to go down with my dirt pile I was making !! Still not done though!


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