Friday, April 20, 2012

Fun Friday- Game Edition

Do you play games at your house?  We really enjoy family games, but the problem we often run into is that our children are spread out in ages, and therefore are not interested and often not able to play the same games.  (Same thing happens with movies!)  For a while, we stopped playing games because it just got too difficult, but now that CJ is getting older we have started trying to include him back into game night.  Here are some of our favorites-

Go Fish- OK, CJ's favorite, not the olders, but it works.  Especially if you play for prizes!  I am not against bribery if it promotes family fun! ;)

UNO- We love this silly card game and it is possible to teach younger kiddos to play.  As a matter of fact, the youngest often wins in our house!

Blockus- While you are limited to four players at a time, this is  good game for all ages.  CJ often has to be reminded to "just touch the edges", but he still enjoys it.

Sequence- A good game involving number sequences so it can be used to teach numbers and matching skills, but competitive enough for olders.

Doodle Dice- I may like this one more than the kids, I admit, but it is cute!  Roll a bunch of dice with funny shapes on them to match a picture on a card.  Easy for younger kiddos to follow, hard to win!

The Settlers of Catan- OK, here's the deal.  This game is pricey therefore I put off buying it forever.  But the olders LOVE IT!  We did buy the extension pack so we could all play, and this is one we save for after the four year old goes to bed.  Be prepared for a long game, but it is worth it.  Strategy is the key, and no, I do not win often.  

The key here..just have fun together.  It seems in this rat race world, we forget to make time for our family.  Families MUST be our PRIORITY!   Make time for yours tonight!

What games are you playing at your house?


  1. Still LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your coffee table! We like to play's a team game for us with 1 adult and 1 little one. They both enjoy it and love putting the pegs in. The bigger one can guess where the ships are. We also play LIFE after the 3 yo goes to bed or is taking a nap.

    1. Thanks D! I still love it too! We will have to try Battleship...I like the team idea! Life..hmmm,you are a glutton for punishment! ;)

  2. SPOT IT is a super fun, fast game ~ as much fun, if not more, for the adults as well as the kids. Plus, it comes in a small round tin that's perfect for travel. Also, Qwirkle, if you don't have it, is a must!!!!!!! We just bought Scrambled States of America, which is fun and educational, too. Rat-a-tat-Cat is a good card game that challenges your memory. We love games at our house...well, me especially!!!

  3. We love UNO and Jeopardy. It is always fun times when we have family game night. Now that our schedule is slowing down we will get back to them!

  4. We love Catan, but we also discovered the game, Ticket to Ride. We love it even more! The US version is easier for younger kids and the Europe version offers more rules and challenges for the older crowd. Fun, strategic, educational (in the sense that it teaches Geography) and faster than a round of Catan.

  5. I have never heard of most of those games you mentioned. I will have to look into them. We played uno attack with a couple of the neighborhood kids on Friday evening =)

  6. We love so many board games! Right now we are favorite is Ticket to Ride.

  7. So now I have made a wish list of new games we want...thanks! Ticket to Ride is at the top! Jennifer, Rat-a-tat-cat is one my middle kids like to beat me at! :)

    1. Now that I think about it, my sister and brother in law have Settlers of Canaan, which is a Biblical version of Settlers of Catan.

    2. I will have to look that up!

  8. We have some of those games but my two still can't play a game for long so it is not on our agenda much. I had a game night as a kid growing up and always wanted to do that with my kids. Maybe when they are older.

  9. We love games. well my oldest and I do. My youngest is coming along. When the kids were little I carried (and still carry) dice in my purse. In traffic, waiting for the doctor or at a restaurant I will pull them out. The kids roll the dice, say 2 at a time and either add them or multiply depending on what we are learning, and high score wins. In the car we also plan the alphabet game, we pick a food group, state, game and then go through the letters when we cannot think of anymore B's the person simply names the next letter. Fun and helps time go by.

    1. J- we just learned a new game with dice that is awesome. Remind me to teach you!! Great idea to carry one in your pocketbook!

  10. We also love settlers. I have not bought an extension pack yet but we did add seafarers which is fun. I found Settlers for 99 cents at the thrift store. Can you believe that?

    1. Wow, briana, that IS amazing!! What a come I never find deals like that? :). I will have to look into the seafarers part.


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