Preschoolers and Peace is a wonderful blog dedicated to passing on homeschooling resources and encouraging moms of little ones who are trying to homeschool others kids at the same time. Last year, it's founder, Kendra Fletcher, complied the best of that web site and produced a delightful e-book called Preschoolers and Peace- Homeschooling Older Kids With Success While Loving the Little Ones at Your Feet.
Here's what you will find in these powerful chapters:
What a Homeschooling Mom Needs- Why the Gospel is important in your everyday routine. Kendra is right, we must weave the Gospel message into the days of our kids- here is how.
Preparing Yourself to Homeschool Older Kids With Little Ones Underfoot- Kendra explains how starting your day in prayer can help you end your day in peace. In my personal experience, on the days I arm myself with the word of God and His peace our days run more smoothly. Give it a try!
Planning Around Preschoolers- Help yourself by having a schedule without becoming a slave to it. Ok, you KNOW I love schedules around here! Read and re-read this chapter!
How Do I Keep Them Busy?- A practical list of activities to keep your child happily playing and some helpful tips as well. My absolute favorite- divide the big toys into days. We did this when my kids were younger and boy, did it help. They soon had the schedule memorized and each day anticipated their "new" toy being brought out.
What Does a 2-Year-Old's Day Look Like?- If you have hours in your day you just don't know what to do with, you will like this chapter. Pull up a chair, and see exactly how Kendra's day might look. Sometimes it helps to just peek into someone else's life!
How Do I Get Any Preschooling Done?- Want to hear one of my favorite quotes from Kendra? "The beautiful thing about choosing to homeschool a preschooler is that you've got great flexibility!" Wish I had heard that a few years ago. Flexibility is a powerful tool.
How Not to Just Kill Time- Believe it or not, moms of little ones, the time will fly by. Kendra shares with you in this chapter some things she wished she had spent more time doing. Here's what struck me most from this or not, we must continue to live life! Are you doing that?
Circle Time: Or How We Pull the Little Ones In- Yes! They can be included in your homeschool day and here's how.
Preschool Boys-Been there, done that and still have my sanity, I promise. But as Kendra states, little boys need assignments or they can wreak havoc. By keeping them busy you WILL gain more peace.

When All of Your Kiddos Are Preschoolers- a fun little chapter from a mom who had 6 under the age of 7 at one time. (yes, you read that right!) Be flexible and simplify- can I hear an AMEN?
Preschool Chores- Moms cannot and should not do it all, so in this chapter Kendra shares appropriate chores for 2, 3, 4, and 5 year olds. Let the chores begin!
Planning for Preschool- A quick, but important word about obedience. The rule in our house is first time obedience. Does it always happen? Of course not. But it is expected and enforced. Someday maybe it will be perfected, right?
When Mama is Worn Out (or Pregnant)- Again, more practical advice from someone who understands. My favorite part of this chapter is meal planning. Seriously, if you are flying by the seat of your pants every night for dinner, you are NOT doing yourself any favors. Have a plan- even if it is simple. You can thank me later.
As a bonus, Kendra ends her book with a wonderful resource list that can point you to all kinds of things that will help you through this challenging stage. The list alone can save you a ton of energy and Google time! ;)
While I no longer have preschoolers in my home, I remember those days well. They are full of fun and giggles and beautiful new discoveries. But it can also be a time of tantrums, exhaustion and chaos. Let me assure you, friends, that what you do day in and day out is important. Let Kendra share her insight and resources with Preschoolers and Peace to help you in your journey. You will be blessed!
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