We have been blessed to be able to use and review
My Student Logbook the past month or so. Of course, since my 7th grade son was the one using it, he choose the
My Student Logbook Jets. Luckily for you, there are nine other choices to pick from. Me, I would have gone for the one called Freedom. ;)

Made by a fellow homeschooling family of nine, My Student Logbook was birthed after looking for a way to keep track of their children's progress with school and other tasks - even on days that mom was busy and not able to micro-manage everyone's schedules. Together, mom and dad fine tuned the details of a similar notebook system and came up with the My Student Logbook.
Simply put, it is an open ended "planner" that allows you to write down the tasks you want your child to complete each day and has boxes for each day of the week that your child checks off once those tasks are complete. There are 53 weeks of planning space and it is spiral bound and has a clear plastic protective covering to keep it from getting too beat up.
You can order the Logbook in
several different formats, depending on which suits your family best. One choice has dated columns for a school year (Aug. 1- July 31), one for the calendar year (Jan. 1- Dec 31) and one is non-dated, allowing you to fill in the days of the week in the order you prefer. (M-S, S-S, etc) You can choose which cover to put on any of the formats!
Also included are-
1 Color paper divider
1 All About Me page
1 Prayers and Goals page
1 Bible Verses Memorized page
3 Books Read pages
3 Events, Projects, Field Trips, Presentations, and Activities pages
3 Test Records pages
1 Year Highlights: My Favorite Memories from this Year page
Heavy black plastic back cover
You do have a quick set up but rest easy- you can do it! Just a quick cut of your scissors and tape job to add the flap for assignments and you are ready to go.
How does it work?
You choose what tasks you want your child to accomplish. Write them on the left hand flap, tuck in a new week page and you are off. Once your child completes the task he or she checks off the box. Once they complete a week a new page is tucked in and you start all over again. Need to adjust the assignments? Not a problem! Just fill in a new task sheet, tape it in and off you go.
Here is a quick video to show you what I mean-
How did it work for us?
Like a charm! I really surprised myself with how much I like this product! We have used several methods of keeping up with assignments and none have worked well for long. The new-ness wears off and we get sidetracked. This time, not the case! For my 12 year old son, I made a list off all of the subjects he has for school as well as chores and other activities. He keeps the Logbook on his desk in his room and checks off things as he works through the day.
Here is what has struck me through this process. One - I am not the keeper of the schedule anymore. I love that. This system has put the responsibility back into the hands of my son. It is a great thing! Second - it has given us both more freedom. He does not have to continually come ask me what is next or if he can be done for the day. He knows that when things are all checked off, he is done. Simple as that.
The other detail I like is the time column located right beside each task. If something we do requires a time, I can write in the time fulfillment needed or he can write in how long it took him to complete the task. For high school transcripts this is a must have. It is much easier to build a transcript when you have documentation of time invested into each subject! Trust me on this one!
I do prefer the non-dated planner as we school year round and so dates are not huge for me, but of course, that is a personal preference.
The Bible Verses memorized page is great for families like ours who memorize scripture together as a family or attend church programs that include memorization. The All About Me and Highlights pages are a great way to document your school year for a fun memento as your children grow up. Trust me, they WILL grow up and you will want to remember these years!
So, do we like it? YES! Do I recommend it? Yes! I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how this simple little planner will change your day and that of your child's! In a good way!
You can purchase My Student Logbook for $15.00. If your child can make check marks, they can use this! If they are on readers, you can easily draw a picture to represent each task!
You can find My Student Logbook-
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/MyStudentLogbook
You Tube -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMxzpy91vov8a8nDpyp2ihQ
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