Friday, August 17, 2012

College Packing

1 week.  That's it!  In one week we will be moving our oldest into a dorm room 1,019 miles away.

It has been a busy week (read month here) of packing.



And my girl is a minimalist. Really!  She keeps telling her daddy that half of the stuff goes on her bed.  (He's also not a fair judge.  He went to a military academy - packed a toothbrush and change of clothes.)

In that stack are-

-Lots of sweaters (Wisconsin is COLD ya'll!)
-Three blankets and two coats (cold, remember?)
-A small sewing machine.  For those of you who know her- 'ya didn't think she could actually go      away and leave her stash, did 'ya? 
-Sewing kit.  Notice I did not say small.  :)
-needed books and a few favorite ones.
-Toiletries, towels and sheets.
-A few pictures.  Of me, of course!  haha
-Stash of animal cookies to share with three roommates.  (Bet 'ya saw that first!)  Her grandparents have picked up another one for her as well.

Can you think of anything we have forgotten?

Our family would appreciate your prayers for the next few weeks.  While we believe that God has directed each step of this big transition, it is a big transition none-the-less...

For her
For her 2 brothers that adore her
For her sister who is her best friend
For her daddy that has held her hand and her heart for 18 years
For this proud and excited, but emotional and teary, momma!

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.  Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jer. 29:11


  1. You all are in our prayers! We hope A enjoys a wonderful year at school!

  2. GULP! I cannot imagine! Will keep you all in my prayers! Can't wait to read all about it!

  3. praying this transition goes well, did you pack curtains? That always made my dorm room feel a little less like a dorm and a bit more like home =)

  4. You all are in our prayers! I pray for a very smooth transition for you all as you enter this new journey. The animal crackers did catch my eye first, where do your purchase that big container??? I need to stock up for my girlies. Have a great weekend and a safe trip! a. Have a great semester, you will be awesome!

  5. I still can't believe she is going off to college. She is such a remarkable young woman and I can't wait to see how God uses her in her college years. Will pray for you and Clarke, I know you will miss her so much. Love you all!

  6. Awe! I just can't believe it is here! Have a safe trip, we will be praying for a smooth transition!

  7. Wow! Your little girl is all set for college, Michelle! When my son went to college, we borrowed our neighbor’s mini truck where he can put all his stuff. Our car is not big enough for tons of boxes and luggage, so we entertained the truck idea, also to make sure that not a single property gets damaged or lost.

    Tyrone Obey

    1. We managed to take very little in the large sceme of things. She likes keeping things simple. Me- I would have needed a truck! ;)


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