Monday, April 6, 2020

A Project a Day Challenge

You knew it was coming, right?  Those of you who know me know I love cleaning and organizing- my home and others!  34 Weeks of Clean and Clearing Out The Clutter were born from my need to organize my life, and they have kept many busy as well!

Since we are into week 4 for many of self isolating, we are continuing on our family challenges as a way to help keep ourselves busy.  We started with A Letter a Day, and last week we challenged ourselves with A Verse a Day!  I pray both have been a blessing to you and others during this challenging time.  If you have not gotten around to those two challenges- hey, it is never too late to begin.

So this week-

A Project a Day!

Now, as you will see, most of these are seemingly pretty "mom" specific. I urge you to alter them to suit your family's needs.  For instance, when you do your junk drawer, have your kids work on their desks drawers.  Or when you do your pocketbook, get your husband to work on his night side table drawer. (just saying!)  Or while you do your jewelry, have your whole family work on their sock and underwear drawers! And shoes?  I am willing to bet everyone could go through a good shoe purge. I am also willing to bet you can come up with several others areas in your home that could use a little attention.  Unlike 34 Weeks of Clean, this is not supposed to be a long, drawn out process.  Just a fun project to get you motivated each day so you can feel like you checked something off your daily to-do list!

Here's the thing- during our regularly busy days, things pile up because we "don't have the time."


Instead of looking at it as a negative, let's accept it as a gift from the Lord and get moving on those honey do lists!  By the end of the week, you can pat yourself on the back and have a little family celebration for a job well done!  Maybe the person who gets the most done can choose a special dessert to make that everyone can share!

Are you ready?  GO!

Monday- Clean out your junk drawer.  Or drawers!  Let' face it, these catch all drawers, or areas, pile up throughout the year with stuff we just don't need.  Now is a great time to pull it all out (a 34 Weeks of Clean trick) and sort through it.  Toss old pens and half chewed pencils, old notes, and expired coupons.  Return things to where they really belong and enjoy your neatly arranged space!

Tuesday- Clean out your jewelry.  Really!  When is the last time you took a good look at all the jewelry you have tucked here and there?  Again, put it all in one location and then piece by piece sort though it.  Broken?  Toss it.  Haven't worn it in 6 plus months?  Time to get rid of it.  Let someone else enjoy it if you are not!  If something is just taking up space maybe it is time to rethink why you are keeping it.

Wednesday- Clean out your pocketbook.  Dump it out, take the time to wipe it down or even toss it in the washing machine, and then return only what you need.  Just for fun, let us know what the most unusual thing you found hiding in the depths is!

Thursday- Clean out your shoes.  Since most of us are in the about-to-change-seasons stage, now is a good time to clean up the winter shoes and put them away.  If any seem pretty tired, tired to toss them.  Pull out those summer shoes, summer is coming I promise, and evaluate what you have.  If they look like they have seen better days, hurt your feet, or did not even get worn last year, time to move them out! I realize shoes are a sore spot with many woman, but trust me when I say you CAN have too many.  Find a few pair you love and feel comfortable in, and then spend your hard earned money somewhere else.

Friday- Your choice!  Do you have an area in your house that is calling your name?  How about a space in your home you avoid?  Or one that is the bane of your existence?  Today is the day to face the giant!  Turn on some fun money, grab a helper, and get started.  You can do it!

Friends, I pray you are not just surviving the shelter at home recommendation, but even thriving. These are challenging times, but we can do it!  Take this time to slow your life down, reconnect with your family, and stay safe!

You are loved!


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