Monday, January 29, 2018

Adding in the Fun

Welcome back to our fourth and final week of the 2018 Virtual Homeschool Fair.  A big thank you goes out to Susan from Homeschooling Hearts and Minds for hosting this event another year.  It has been a joy to participate and I hope a blessing to you all as well.  Homeschooling can often feel lonely at times and events like this are a good reminder that we are not alone!

After talking about curriculum and the big changes we just made last week, our final subject is  Enriching Our Learning.             .

To us that means Adding in the Fun!

Yes, there is some FUN in homeschooling.  Depending on your interests, schedule and personality, the fun can look different in every homeschool.  That is one of the beauties of what we do- you can tailor your school to your family and their needs. 

Each year looks differently for us, depending on where we are currently living, what our present interests are and well, let's face it, mom's motivation.  Fun doesn't always just happen, sometimes you have to do a little planning.

Here are some things we have done in the past or are still doing:

Outside Activities-  Co-ops or just a smaller group of homeschoolers meeting is a great way to add some fun and learning in with like minded people.  We have participated in several co ops, especially when the kids were younger.  They were great fits and often offered courses my kids would not have been exposed to otherwise.  It is how one child learned to play the guitar, one learned a ton of sewing skills, and several were introduced to theater and acting.  We also recently met with a group of homeschooling friends just for a few hours of "socialization." ;)  Bowling, skating, and park dates just helped us get out of the house and enjoy our friends!

Electives-  Electives are a big part of high schoolers transcripts.  In public highschool there are a limited amount of choices and time, but with homeschooling, the doors are wide open, from classes available to even internship type programs where your kids can be exposed to new skills and ideas.  My kids have taken course like Aviation, Architecture and typing.

Art and Music-  While these subjects may be losing their way in the public school system, they are still alive and kicking in our homeschools, thank goodness!  With art programs like See the Light, ARTAchieve, Creating a Masterpiece and more, you do not have to be an artist to teach your kids art.  Music is the same way.  These days your kids can not only study composers and music basics, but can learn an instrument entirely on line!

Foreign Languages- I am not bi lingual, nor are my kids, yet, but I love foreign languages.  Well, in particular, I love Spanish!  Because we have a son who was born in Guatemala, I am adamant that my kids learn Spanish.  I do not naturally speak Spanish, therefore I have to source this out.  There are so many foreign language programs out there that are amazing but I will tell you that Homeschool Spanish Academy is our favorite.  You might also want to check out Flip Flop Spanish and Speekee if you are looking for younger kids to get started.

Field Trips- OK, confession time.  I do not love field trips.  I used to enjoy them when my kids were younger, but I just cannot find the time to fit them in now that they are older without feeling guilty about the time they take up.  BUT, I know many people utilize them, love them, and provide all kinds of learning through them.  If that is you, have at it- get out there and enjoy!

No matter the choices you make, remember- they are YOUR choices!  One of the glories of homeschooling is that you get to decide what is right for your children and the best fit for your family!  Learning and having fun CAN go hand in hand!


Links are solely to help you "see" a product.  I am not an affiliate for any of these vendors, they are just programs we use and love!

This is the final week of the 7th Virtual Homeschool Fair. Our topic is:  Enriching Our Learning.

Note: All posts will be live after 8 am EST on Monday, Jan. 29th.
Celebrating 7 Years of Homeschool Support & Encouragement by Susan @ Homeschooling Hearts & Minds
All of the Extras by Christy Schaefer @ Unexpected Homeschool
How To Explore Special Interests In Your Homeschool by Jeniffer @ Thou Shall Not Whine
Learning outside of the box by Dana @ Life Led Homeschool
Putting the Heart Back into our Homeschool by Brittney @ Mom's Heart
Adding in the Fun by Michele @Family, Faith and Fridays
The Electives We Use in Our Homeschool by Amanda @ Hopkins Homeschool
The Fun Parts of Homeschooling by Annette @ A Net in Time
How we add in the fun stuff. by Kim @ Good Sweet Love
Running - for fitness & fun by Lizzy @ Peaches@Home
Adding in the Extras by Jen @ A Helping Hand Homeschool
What About the Fun Stuff? by Laura @ Four Little Penguins
And the Learning Goes On, And On, And On by Lori H @ At Home: where life happens
Let's See What's Out There! (Electives and Extras) by Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break


  1. Co-op classes have been one of the best extras ever for my kids, all through the years. They got to learn and do some very fun things when they were little, they got all the socialization they could ever want (especially at gym class!), and now my daughter is getting foreign language and other electives through a co-op that we wouldn't be able do at home. :-)

  2. I agree, we've had such fun and diverse classes through co-op.

  3. I love field trips. We all learn so much and that learning matters as well to us. :)


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