Monday, February 29, 2016

The Road to Adoption

Lat week we celebrated this guy's Happy Home Day.

Yep, 7 years ago we stepped off a plane in Texas and Colby Jose became an American citizen.  He was our son from the moment we laid eyes on his picture 17 months prior.

We got his referral when he was 4 months old and brought him home when he was 21 months old.  Yes, it took 17 months to get that boy home.  It was a rough and crazy ride.

As I quickly told our story to a friend yesterday, I realized how much of the story I feel like I have forgotten.  Maybe that is God's way of protecting your heart and not allowing bitterness to take root. Maybe it is a way of wiping the slate clean and starting over new.  Or maybe I am just old and my memory has gone to pot.  You never know.

But a few things, I do remember!

I wanted to adopt for forever.  I was pretty open about it to others and pretty obnoxious about it to my husband.  He'll agree.  Like I would print out pictures of waiting babies and leave them on his paperwork to find.  Subtle I am not.  He would ignore me or simply shake his head no.  Fast forward a few years, or FOREVER according to me, and he got deployed to Africa, God got a hold of his heart, and he called me one day and asked if I still wanted to adopt!  Seriously.  God's timing, not mine!

I remember the first time we saw a picture of this baby!  He was 4 months old and we could not have loved anyone more.

 I remember the first time we saw an actual video of him!  Our adoption counselor got to go to Guatemala and see him, taking some things down from us.  We watched that video over and over again, just trying to take it all in.  I will forever be grateful for Laura and our agency and for the love they showed us and Colby!

I remember living on the computer for 17 months waiting for any information and pictures we could get.  Yes, I watched our son grow up via the computer for 17 very long and painful months,

I remember the first time Jorgelina, his amazing foster mom, put him in my arms.  I thought I would never be able to let him go.  Turns out we had to say goodbye to him twice before finally bringing him home on our third trip to Guatemala.

I remember the other kids seeing their brother for the very first time.  Salem could not stop touching his sweet face, Riley could not stop grinning, and Ashton started crying every time she looked at him or tried to open her mouth.

I remember our last plane ride to bring him home.  I was sick the entire trip and he was perfect and slept almost the entire plane ride.  That, my friends, is God's grace!

I remember looking in the back of our car on February 25th and seeing his sweet face peeking out of a huge winter coat and in a car seat for the first time and thinking, oh my word, he is FINALLY home.

Finally and forever!  God's perfect timing in God's perfect plan!

Just another cute picture! ;)
Oh how we love this boy!

Happy Home Day, Colby Jose! 7 years and counting to forever!

Linking up with Caroline!



  1. Thank you for sharing. Happy 7th Birthday Colby!!!

  2. Wow, that is awesome! I want to adopt too and hope to one day experience what you have described here. Like you said, it's all in God's timing. I know He put the desire to adopt on my hear for a reason and although I am still waiting, I know one day I will experience this joy!

    Happy Home Day!! :)

  3. Beautiful story, I'm so happy to have read it this morning....we have lost a few pregnancies and I had thought about adoption. Whatever is God's will....

  4. Jorgelina was our foster mother. She provided such sweet care to our daughter. The wait between our visit trip and pick-up trip seemed like an eternity, but the saving grace was that we knew our baby was in capable and loving hands.

    1. I am just now seeing this! Ahhh, that is so exciting to read! What a small world! Jorgelina blessed our family in the beautiful care she gave Colby!! She was simply amazing!


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