Welcome back! By now you have had a week to get a start on any bedrooms in your house, excluding the Master. That was done in week 15, right? Remember, everyone's bedroom situation look different but the basics are the same. Since we tackled our boys' rooms last week, we are now moving to the girls. Since they really cleaned them on their own for the most part, this week was much more fun for me! ;) Your assignment is to finish any bedrooms left in your house.
Here are the basics again, same as last week-
- Strip the beds and wash ALL of the linens. Replace any torn or stained sheets or such.
- Take everything off all flat surfaces and move it out!
- Dust all surfaces, sides and all!
- While stuff is still off, move furniture away from walls so you can wipes down baseboards and vacuum around all edges.
- Replace furniture or rearrange while you have the chance!
- Put things back, but try to eliminate half.
- Clean out all the drawers, getting rid of anything that doesn't fit or you do not wear!
- Wipe down light switches, door knobs, and door frames, inside and out. Look up, again, and clean off ceiling fans and light fixtures.
- Clean window frames and windows. Once again, mini blinds and curtains are on the list.
- Vacuum the floor and you are done!
Here is what happens when your teen goes through her clothes to purge and you leave the camera with her alone!
What she was supposed to be doing was going through her clothes and purging. This was the beginning of a project that took some time.
Here is her end product (and she's since gone through it again). This girl tends to be a neat freak, but let me tell 'ya, she used to be a hoarder. (She still has a thing for office supplies!) I tell this to you to encourage you, there is hope for those of you with littles!

My oldest's room was a slightly different looking project. Somewhere in the middle of it all, she not only decided to switch her sewing room and bedroom around, but she also started working on her capsule wardrobe. THIS is the child I should start hiring out to fix all of your house keeping and clothing issues. Then maybe she would leave me alone! ;)
Old sewing room- now her bedroom! She decided since this is just a place for sleep she wanted the bigger space for her sewing business. |
Pretty good, if I say so myself. Those girls are good to have around! ;)
This week I want to leave you with a few thoughts and encouragement. If you have not joined us yet, it is NEVER too late to start. I say that in all seriousness. Just start. You CAN do this, I know you can! If you are behind, don't let discouragement keep you from the finish line. We all have to do life and sometimes things get in the middle of our best laid plans. That is ok. What is more important is that we get back on the horse and keep riding! I hope you can hear me cheering for you to keep riding.
If you do NOTHING else this week, set a timer for 30 minutes each day and do SOMETHING! ANYTHING! By the end of the week you will feel great about your accomplishments, I know you will! And remember, clearing out the clutter involves actually getting rid of stuff. We cannot simply rearrange our mess and call it good!
This week Kemi from Homemaking Organized has created some great chore charts for you, a boy's version and a girl's version! It is never too early to get your kids on board with helping you clean and these simple charts will help your little people take responsibility with a few age appropriate chores! Thank Kemi!
Week 21- The Hall Closet
Let me know how you did last week! We can't wait to see.
You're welcome Michele! I love the big A! I was looking at letters this week. It's hard to find a Q.