Next up- Math and Science!
If you just had to take a deep breath to keep from hyperventilating or breaking out in a rash, you are not alone. Those two words bring fear to many a pro homeschooling mom. But, the good news is lots of us old timers have been there, done that and have some recommendations. I am sure you will find that they are as diverse as those that give them, but I am also sure you will find something that works for you and your child.
Here we go!
Two extras- We reviewed a company, Math Made Easy, our first year on Crew that sent us their Multiplication Teaching and Learning Made Easy book and loved it! With my last (he gets the best of the best being the last!) we will do that program over the summer between his 3rd and 4th grade year. It can be done in six weeks and is a fast, easy way to teach multiplication. It does seem that the company is no longer around, but I know you resourceful homeschooling mommas can find the program hanging around somewhere! It is worth the hunt.
The other program I swear by is Math U See's Stewardship program. Think consumer math here. Our girls did Algebra 1 and 2, and Geometry and then used this as their 4th math. Is comes with a workbook, textbook, CD and Devotion. It is a simple program yet rooted in the word of God, teaching life skills that so many do not learn before they go off to college. While the girls were not overly impressed with the chapters about pouring concrete or the electrical stuff, the rest of the chapters made up for those! Balancing checkbooks, purchasing a car, getting insurance- I assure you these are important things to learn.

As far as high school level science, we have worked with ABeka and Apologia. Both are good, just depends on your style. ABeka is more old school with tests and quizzes, while Apologia has tests only. I require all of my kids to do Biology and Chemistry. After that they can choose human anatomy or Marine Biology. The girls have three sciences on their transcripts, the boys will probably have four. Just the way we work.
A few extras- We recently had the opportunity to review EEME. If this is something you can swing, DO IT! Electrical engineering projects are sent one a month and directions and video are available on their website to follow. Such cool stuff. My son and husband have been doing them together and love them. If you have kids of any ages that like hands on science the best place to look on line is at Supercharged Science. Taught by Aurora with just about every concept under the sun covered, your child could stay busy for hours watching and following her videos. She wears me out, but the kids love her!
That's it! Well, not really IT, but all I have for you. There are so many good math and science programs out there. I again encourage you to find out your child's learning style and then find the best fit for them. Our kids are not made alike and one of the glories of schooling them is to be able to teach to THEIR needs. Try something new and if it is not a good fit, move on 'til you find just the right program!
Head over to Susan at Homeschooling Hearts and Minds to find the other mommas who are talking about Math and Science today- bet 'ya find something you like!
See 'ya next week for History, Geography and more oh my!

Participating bloggers!
Our {almost} FREE 2nd and 4th Grade Math Program by Susan @ Homeschooling
Hearts & Minds
Supercharged Science's Mathemagic by Kristi K. @ The Potter’s Hand Academy
Math & Logic Resources by Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses
How We
Tackle Middle School Math, Logic & Science by Christy @ Unexpected Homeschool
A Peek into our Homeschool: Math & Logic by Brittney @ Mom's Heart
Math and Logic: Patterns and Reasoning by Leah@As We Walk Along the Road
2014 Virtual Curriculum Fair: Discovering Patterns: Mathematics, Logic, and
Science by Stacie @Super Mommy To The Rescue
Discovering Science & Math w/ Apologia & Saxon by LynnP @ Ladybug
Make Math Fun: Your Kids Will Thank You by Tauna @ Proverbial Homemaker
Our Curriculum Choices 2014 ~ Mathematics by Renata @ Sunnyside Farm Fun
My Favorite Math For
Boys by Monique @ Living Life and Learning
Discovering Patterns: Mathematics, Logic, and Science in our Classical Homeschool by Sharra @ The
Homeschool Marm
Homeschool Math Choices for a Future Scientist or Computer Programmer by Amy @
Eclectic Homeschooling
Math--Our Four Letter Word by Nicole @ Schooling in the Sun
If I Knew
Then What I Know Now by Kristen @ Sunrise to Sunset
Math and Science anyone? by Michele@ Family, Faith and Fridays
My 7 Favourite Math Resources by Kim @ Homestead Acres
Basic Instincts by Chelli @ The Planted Trees
Getting My Teens Ready for Algebra by Debra @Footprints in the Butter
Math We
Love by Laura @ Four Little Penguins
2014 Virtual Curriculum Fair ~ Math & Science by Jennifer @ a glimpse of our life
Our Take on Math, the Elementary Years - Charlotte Mason-style by HillaryM @ Our Homeschool Studio</
Tackling Math and Science from Multiple Angles by Laura @ Day by Day in Our World
*** Just a quick note. I am not receiving any compensation for recommending these products. All mentioned are my personal opinions only. I added some links just to make it easy for you and linked reviews I have done in the past if you want more information.***
I have heard of Teaching Textbooks. I haven't looked into them though. You have used a wide variety for science. I will have to look into them as well. I am always looking into something new to see if it will work for us.
ReplyDeleteAlthough we are not using it this year I love TT. I might have some of my younger ones use it in the upper grades. Two of my kiddos are using MUS it seems to really work for them, still not sure what Pre-Algebra to buy. I'm debating between TT & MUS.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Thanks for sharing.
I've been thinking about getting Teaching Textbooks for our oldest as well. I'm glad to see it works so well for you!
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