Welcome back to 34 Weeks of Clean, Rinse and Repeat! This week is for all you homeschoolers out there. If you are not a homeschooler, I invite you to stick around anyway- you can always just laugh at the mania. Trust me, there is plenty of it!
You can also use this week to catch up, just saying! ;)
For background in case you are new here- we have been homeschooling our four kiddos for the past 19 years. The oldest has since graduated from college and the next is a junior in college. I am down to two boys in case you are counting. I began teaching my oldest when she turned four, giving myself some breathing room in case it did not go well. I decided if it was a failure of a year, I could still put her right into public kindergarten and not bat an eye. The year was not one of our best but we decided to stick it out and have not looked back once. Well, we did question our sanity a time or two, and I have threatened to send them to the worst public school I could find, but that was mainly in our first few years. I have since asked for forgiveness. ;)
So, what does all this have to do with cleaning and organizing?
Have you SEEN the curriculum that is involved with homeschooling? Not to mention the supplies!
Yes, I have a tote for every year, and one for foreign languages and art. There used to be a rolling cart full of manipulatives, flash cards, and games, but I have since taken that down to one small basket. I know, can you believe it?! Since I am schooling our last and my daughters have assured me they will buy their own stuff eventually to school future grandchildren, I am not hanging on to tons of curriculum! (be looking for a quick post later this week with a list for sale!)
Then there is this mess-
The first picture is what happens to the inside of the school cabinet after months of doing school with two not-so-neat boys. The second picture is a bookcase in my basement that is stuffed with "extras," review products we have used, reference books, and various supplies.
Now, keep in mind, I have homeschooled four kids, have done so for 19 years, and own a lot of curriculum. Ok, probably too much! Also, keep in mind that I am not currently operating out of a dedicated school room- just a living room, basement storage, and one cabinet in our living room with our current books on it. Since I do not have tons of extra space to display all the wonderful books, I finally gave in, divided them into grades, and gave them each a tote. This was done over a period of time, hence the non-matching crates. Each crate was then labeled and put in the basement.
But I knew there was still work to be done. As always, at the end of the year things begin to collect in stacks and don't make it to their intended spots. New curriculum also comes in and I need to weed out old things that are not being used. I am schooling my last child in 5th grade this year and like I said, I am paring down and only keeping what I know my girls would really want to use. I am also blessed to get new things occasionally and am able to move out some older things that way.
We are currently operating on a summer school schedule, but it is just a matter of time before we get back to full time schooling, as I assume many of you are doing as well. In preparation, here we go!
This week's assignment is to clean up and clear out the school room!
That is going to look differently for many of us but here are some things to think about-
- If you have a dedicated school room, now is a good time to do a deep clean. Pull as much as you can out and CLEAN!
Ceiling Fans
- Now's your chance to try out a fresh furniture arrangement and maybe some new decorations! Have your kids write their goals for the school year on poster paper and hang it up for a visual reminder.
The glory of this cabinet is when it is closed, no one can see the stuff in it! |
- Regardless of where you school- go through the books! If you are going to use it, put it back on the shelf. If not, sell it, donate it, or trash it. Do not hang on to things you do not need!
- Go through all of the random papers! If you like to keep children's work, I would encourage you to limit to it one file per child. If there are things you just can't move out, take a picture of it first and then toss it. I promise you, you are more sentimental than most of your kids and they will not miss it. A few prized things from each grade are enough!
- Keep extra school supplies in one place. This will help you know what you already have when the back-to-school sales start soon. Yes, it is great to pick up supplies at rock bottom prices, but no, no one needs 100 spiral notebooks.
You can do this. Trust me, when the start of your school year rolls around you will be glad that this task is already done!
How'd you do with your clothes storage last week? Come on - show us how you did! We would love to celebrate your progress. Don't forget, if you are leaving a picture on the Facebook page for us each week, your name gets put into the drawing for our 34 Weeks of Clean Prize Basket which includes goodies from our amazing friends at 621 Gifts and Redeemed.
School Room, YES! I have been waiting for this. Unfortunately, I didn't get as much done on the clothes storage, but I will leave that on my list of to-dos and hopefully tackle it before the year is over. I have plans to turn my dining room into a school room, which will allow for a little more flexibility in areas for kids to work and me to teach. We've already put together the 4 desks that we got for this purpose and now I can work on the rest of the room and the shelves that I need to keep our books on. I only keep our current books in our actual work area and have a shelf upstairs for the books we are using for the year and storage of previously used curriculum. I think I still have a few things to put away from last year too.