Friday, June 9, 2017

Year In Review

Yes, as of this week we are officially done with our school year!  Our official year, that is!  Colby completed 4th grade and Salem completed his freshman year in high school.  For the record, Riley finished her first year at college and will return as a junior.  Our oldest graduated early several years ago and has a thriving T-Shirt business at Ashton's Attic!

So how did the school year go?

Pretty well.  We accomplished all we set out to do with a few extras under our belt.

Math. Check
Science. Check
Literature and writing.  Check
Spanish. Check
Geography. Check
Math. Check
Music Appreciation. Check

Salem also completed a drivers education course and has begun two classes online that will count as electives for him. One is called National Securities Careers, an interesting look at national security history and the entities that help with that security.  It is a great career exploration class as well.  The second course is from our Homeschool Review Crew called Doctor Aviation.  Be looking for a review in a few weeks, but in the meantime, let me just say- we love this course!!  If your child is interested in anything flying or related, they will get a kick out of this video-based program taught by a retired Air Force officer.

People often ask what our days look like.  Although each day may vary, we do start school around 9 and school until lunch. We take a lunch break from 12-1, and then resume school until everything is done.  Most days that is around 3, though it has been known to go later, depending on the work load for that day.

And our summer?  Well, we do school year round.  That usually means we have an hour or two of school most days in the summer with usually with a two week break before we begin new grades in late August.  I have found that math is better retained when we do not walk completely away from it in the summer, and we really enjoy our reading and science time together so those subjects usually continue at some level.  We also tend to concentrate on electives like the ones Salem is taking and things like art for Colby for fun.  Not a chance of summer boredom around here!

 As for the rest of the day, we spend time outside when we can and try to find Activities for Days it is TOO Hot. The kids catch up on rest, a few are involved in summer sports or have a job, and we soak up the few months we have back together as a family of six.

Time is fleeting, enjoy it while you can!


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