Friday, June 23, 2017

Schooling Year-Round While Other Kids Have Summer Break

I admit it. I am one of THOSE moms.  Hi, my name is Michele and yes, we school through the summer months!

Before you call the school police on us, let me explain.

During the official school year, August through May, we typically follow a Sabbath School Schedule as much as we can, doing school 6 weeks and then taking one week off.  We have a college student who attends a school in a different state so we have to be flexible because of her schedule sometimes, but we stay as close to the six weeks on, one week off as we can. 

My kids thrive on schedules and consistency and so do I.  It's just how we roll around here.  For that reason, when summer hits, I am just not ready to throw school out the door because-
  1. We need some consistency
  2. I do not want our learning to end
  3. There are so many programs out there to explore
  4. It cuts down on the "I'm bored" complaints 
But HOW do you do it when other kids have a summer break and yours do not?


START EARLY- In the day that is.  For us, getting school done early and out of the way is an incentive to get to do other special activities.  My boys know when they are done with their assignments they are free to play.

BE CHOOSY- We do not do every subject in the summer.  We continue math because that is a skill that is easily lost with a two or three month break.  We also use the summer months to catch up on anything we may have fallen behind in, as well as adding any electives the kids want to try.

BE FLEXIBLE- There are days when things come up and that's ok.  Sometimes things trump school and we just move on the following dayDon't become wrapped around the axle when unexpected things happen.  There are lessons to be learned even in those things.

BE CONSISTENT- That being said, we also try hard to be as consistent as possible.  If the kids think they have a bargaining chip every day then school can become a battle.  Just letting them know this is part of our daily routine keeps the complaints to a minimum.

DON'T FORGET TO READ- Whether it is as a family or as individuals, read, read, read!  Summer is a great time to visit the library or pull favorites off the shelf and encourage reading.  In the heat of the day or after a busy morning are great times to incorporate reading into your quiet time.  We keep a stack of books in a prominent place in our living room for our kids to choose from for summer reading.  For older kids, they have wish lists they mark off as they read.

INCLUDE OTHERS-  Want to do art? Invite the neighborhood kids and teach them all!  Never been to a local museum? Take a field trip and include another family or two!  This summer we even have Biology dissections scheduled with 5 or 6 other families.  Let's face it, some things are just more fun with friends!

MAKE IT FUN- Above all, make summer a fun time for learning.  Teach a new skill or explore a new subject.  Let your child choose and let their imaginations run wild.  You may discover a new talent or favorite subject along the way.  Summer unit studies are a great way to immerse your kids in a subject that fascinates them.  They will learn what they love!

So yes, I am THAT mom, but my kids don't seem to mind too much.  It is what we do, and we have fun doing it!  How about you- are you ready to learn this summer?


What Can We Do When It's: too Hot, Cold or Raining? {Homeschool Link UP}


  1. We learn all summer long too. We take it easy and make it fun. I was just telling my son the other day that he has participated in the Summer Reading Program for 12 years now. He's a lover a books too :)

  2. Just what I needed to read. Thank you!


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