Friday, January 11, 2019

Let Go and Love People

I can't remember when it all got started- this desire, this NEED of mine to downsize but it may have been about the time that I wrote this.  Go ahead, read it.  I will wait!

Time to Let Go and Move On

We had come off living in two very large homes, one that was a historical 5000 square foot base house, and I think I was just tired.  Tired of stuff and tired of what it took to take care of said stuff.  When you are a military family that moves a lot you get used to keeping stuff "in case,"  You never know what the next house will be like and those curtains, or that piece of furniture, might fit.  Or even those coats and boots and snowsuits might finally get used again.  True story!

Fast forward years later, and after several years of writing about 34 Weeks of Clean, and I still feel the same way.  OK,  maybe even more strongly about cleaning, de-cluttering and organizing.  But also about this-

I want to love people more than things.

Yes, I want my house to be beautiful, but I want people to be first.
Yes, I want to spend time cozy in my home, but I want to spend more time with people.
Yes, I want to love the things that surround me, but I want to love people more.

Love God, love people has become my mantra these days!

May I put it to work as much as I say it!

How about you?  How are you loving people?  I would love to hear your ideas and experiences!


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