The Brinkman Adventures is a faith based adventure series featuring a family of missionaries, the Brinkmans. Each story, about 26 minutes long, is based off the lives of real life missionaries. Some are recorded in two parts, as were two from this season. Founder Ian Bultman and his production team hope to one day be able to support missionaries through their ever growing Beachglass Ministries which produces the Brinkman Adventures, both on CD and in digital version. In the meantime, they are inspiring future missionaries one story at a time.
Titles from season 6 include-
- Dutch Underground (parts 1 & 2)
- Twice Born Fly
- I Wonder Why?
- Free Burma Rangers (parts 1 & 2)
One neat thing about Brinkman Adventures is that by going to their website you can get the back stories to all of the adventures in each series. This area often includes interviews from the real missionaries involved, pictures, videos and more. In our favorite adventure in season 6, Twice Born Fly it also includes a video of a fly metamorphosis! Also on the website you will find podcasts to listen to that will expand the adventures even more!
Our Use and Our Thoughts-
After a quick download of the adventures to my computer we were ready to listen! Because of the relatively short length of each adventure, it has worked out well for the two of us to listen to these either right before or right after lunch, in between school subjects. Despite the still hot weather here in Arizona, it provides some snuggle time with my boy.
I have to admit, I am not an auditory learner like my boys and have sometimes struggled with listening to audio dramas in the past. This is not the case with Brinkman Adventures. I do not know if it is due to the length of each one or how exciting and intriguing they are, but like Colby, I often find myself sitting on the edge of my seat to see what happens next.
My boys have never struggled with their listening skills (with audio dramas, that is) and love listening to Brinkman Adventures. Colby will often listen to them while he is playing in his room, and even occasionally while reading a book, go figure. They are also great for longer car rides around town or while off on an adventure ourselves.
We often differ on picking our favorite episodes, but such was not the case this time. We both agreed that our favorite story from Episode 6 was Twice Born Fly. For me, I just loved that the gospel was so clearly pictured using a story that the dad told his kids about a dream he had, and that it eventually led to the decision for his young son to be saved. The conversation between father and son and what it means to be "born again" is precious and brings back memories of a conversation we had with our own son just a short year ago. Colby loved the dream part of the story the best. Not surprising as it involves a prison break out! What is it with boys and their sense of adventure, right?!
Our second favorite was the I Wonder Why? adventure. While the family involved started with heartache, the story follows their adventures of following God's lead to sell all they have and move to another country to help orphans. Because Colby was adopted as a small child, this story gave us much to talk about! We were not only able to discuss how hard it would be to sell all we have and move away from friends and family, but also what it means to help others and how that can look different to different people. Orphan stories are sometimes hard to listen to, but for our family, it is another opportunity to discuss how the Lord has blessed our family and many others we know through adoption. Another central theme to this story was forgiveness and changed hearts once we are saved. Again, a great way to introduce some pretty deep discussions to your family time.
Ever so generous, The Brinkman Crew is offering our readers a discount through the end of this month! Think about Christmas, my friends, it is just around the corner, and these would make great gifts!
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