Friday, August 18, 2017

Dear ______ Homeschooling Momma

Yes, you read that title correctly.  You see, YOU just need to fill in the blank for yourself, because YOU know YOU best!  But I bet I can relate more than you know-

Dear NEW Homeschool momma,
Welcome aboard the Homeschool journey! You can do this!  No, really, you can.  There will be some in your life that will doubt you.  Smile nicely and keep your distance.  There will be others that will cheer you on.  Keep them close and thank them often.  And there are other mommas out there that know just how you are feeling this year.  And they survived.  So will you.

Dear LAST YEAR Homeschool Momma,
Savor the moments.  This is your last one and life will never be quite the same after this year.  Take time to sit back and watch your child work.  Remember the fun times you have had and the hard things you have overcome together.  Pray over this last child and know this is their time to fly!

Dear BROKE Homeschool momma,
Take a breath!  It is going to be ok.  We are often distracted by the bells and whistles curriculum, but I promise you your child can and will learn from the basics just as well.  Go to the library and you will find all you need.  Look online for free worksheets and you will find them.  You do not need to spend a fortune to teach your children well.  Trust me.

Dear TIRED Homeschool momma,
Take the time to rest.  Find something that makes you happy and do it, even if just a few minutes a day.  Look for pockets of time you can take a quick rest to regroup.  When you are rested you are a better teacher and a better mom.

Dear LONELY Homeschool Momma, 
You do not have to be alone.  Though they may take time to find, there are other mommas out there just like you.  Find a special friend or group of friends and enjoy some adult time.  You need it.

Dear BUSY Homeschool Momma,
S-L-O-W D-O-W-N.  Don't forget to take time to notice the little details and remember the special times.  This time is fleeting.  Sometimes staying at home is just as wonderful as going out.  Be careful not to over schedule and burn your family out- it isn't worth it in the end.

Dear DONE Homeschool Momma,
You made it!  And so did they!  Congratulations, you deserve a party!  After countless math facts, sentence diagramming, and papers, you have finished your job as a formal teacher.  Now is the time to rejoice over the success- yours AND theirs. As you begin a new adventure, and I KNOW you will, remember to everything there is a season.  May your new season be blessed!

Homeschool mommas- THANK YOU for joining us this week for our 5 Days of Back to School Blog Hop.  The Homeschool Crew loves you and we are thrilled to be able to get to know you and share our reviews as well as our lives with you.

Life is always better done with friends and I count you as such!

If you missed our earlier posts you can find them here-

Day 1 Plan of Attack
Day 2 The 5 Essentials of Homeschooling
Day 3 Best Laid Plans
Day 4 Cooperation Is Key


Back to Homeschool Annual Blog Hop - 2017

1 comment:

  1. I suppose the question to me is this. If you are a lonely homeschool mom, who doesn't know other homeschool moms, how do you reach out and find them? seriously? How does one do that? They are sometimes so very hard to find...


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