I have been blessed to be on a promotion team for a new set of books, Devotions from the Torah, by Nicole Vaughn. I do not often pass up the chance to read a book, but there is no way I am passing up the chance to read a new devotional. I love the Word of God and to be able to study it is a privilege. To share Devotions from Genesis with you is a privilege as well.
When I think of a devotional I think of a Bible verse that is highlighted, followed by words of wisdom and inspiration to draw you closer to God. Nicole's Devotions from Genesis is all that and more. By taking small sections of the book of Genesis at a time, she goes deep into the Word, not only offering those comforting words of wisdom and inspiration, but also word studies, rich history, and deep thoughts to ponder. At the end of each section she offers a heart felt prayer of closing.
Since Genesis is the first book of the Bible, I started at the beginning of the series, Devotions from Genesis. The second book, Devotions from Exodus, Part One- Learning to Live in Freedom is also available and Devotions from Exodus, Part 2 is in the works. Devotions from Genesis is divided into three parts. The first part covers Genesis 1-11: Discovering the Character of God and Man Through the Creation, the Fall and the Flood as Nicole shows us the things we face today are the same things faced in the days of Adam to Noah. In the second part, Genesis 12-36: Discovering Faith and Obedience Through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we learn how to grow our faith. The final section, Genesis 37- 50: Discovering the Comings of Christ and Trust in the Midst of Trial Through the Life of Joseph, we see how to continue to trust in God even in our trials.
Each "day" consists of several pages, but is not labeled for a specific day which I love. There is nothing more discouraging for me to miss a numbered day and feel like I am behind. This way, you are free to go at your own pace and spend as much time as you need to on each passage. There were a few days that God used to really speak to my heart and so I lingered there for more than a day. As Nicole suggested, I started each day with reading the entire chapter that she was writing about for the day and then read the 2-3 pages she had written on that chapter, stopping occasionally to take notes or read an additional scripture passage she had referenced.
Speaking of notes, I would encourage you to grab a journal (you do use one with your quiet time, right?) and take notes. It is easy for us to assume we know everything there is to know about Genesis, it is the first book of the Bible, after all, but I assure you that if you will open your mind and heart to this study, there will be lots of new information to learn!
So what makes this devotional different? I love how it is written! While it is full of "meat," Nicole writes as though she is talking to you across the table, sharing a cup of tea. It is conversational. It feels like talking to a friend. Additionally, it is not too wordy. Let's face it, we are all busy. I am a wife, a blogger and a homeschooling mom. My time is limited. While most days I spent 30 minutes or so on the devotion, they can be read in just a matter of minutes. That does make it less intimidating to accomplish and does allow you to read some and come back to it later on if you need to. Unlike a lengthy Bible study, you do not have to devote hours of time if that is just not the season of life you are in right now.
If you are like me, you like to know about the person who wrote the book you are reading, particularly one of this nature. So just for you- a quick interview with Nicole!
1. What inspired you to write your first book?
When I think of a devotional I think of a Bible verse that is highlighted, followed by words of wisdom and inspiration to draw you closer to God. Nicole's Devotions from Genesis is all that and more. By taking small sections of the book of Genesis at a time, she goes deep into the Word, not only offering those comforting words of wisdom and inspiration, but also word studies, rich history, and deep thoughts to ponder. At the end of each section she offers a heart felt prayer of closing.

Each "day" consists of several pages, but is not labeled for a specific day which I love. There is nothing more discouraging for me to miss a numbered day and feel like I am behind. This way, you are free to go at your own pace and spend as much time as you need to on each passage. There were a few days that God used to really speak to my heart and so I lingered there for more than a day. As Nicole suggested, I started each day with reading the entire chapter that she was writing about for the day and then read the 2-3 pages she had written on that chapter, stopping occasionally to take notes or read an additional scripture passage she had referenced.
Speaking of notes, I would encourage you to grab a journal (you do use one with your quiet time, right?) and take notes. It is easy for us to assume we know everything there is to know about Genesis, it is the first book of the Bible, after all, but I assure you that if you will open your mind and heart to this study, there will be lots of new information to learn!

If you are like me, you like to know about the person who wrote the book you are reading, particularly one of this nature. So just for you- a quick interview with Nicole!
1. What inspired you to write your first book?
Honestly... it was the nudging of the Holy Spirit. I dropped keyboarding once in high school and again in college.. all I could do was one finger poke on a keyboard... I argued with God over this nudging for at least a year... informing Him that even if I could gather these thoughts in my head it would take me years to get them typed out!
2. Is there anything you find particularly challenging about writing a book?
My greatest fear is that I will inaccurately teach the Word of God. I have several trusted teachers and my Pastor who is fluent in Greek and Hebrew and has at least three doctorates in theology read every book before I submit it for the sole purpose of making sure that it is biblically sound.
3. Who is your favorite author?
I go through phases... my latest is Ted Dekker!
4. What books have influenced you most?
No book has ever influenced me as the Word of God... but as for man... C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters, Ravi Zacharius' The Grand Weaver, Oswald Chambers' My Utmost For His Highest, Kay Arthur's Israel My Beloved
5. What did you learn from writing your latest book?
That this series was God's will for me... and He would see it completed... in His time, in His way, not mine.
6. What other projects will you be working on in the near future?
I currently am writing an in depth, verse by verse, Bible Study on the book of Romans for Kids, as I am teaching through this book. It is simply written, no frills, and is designed to teach kids how to look at every verse and every word in that verse. Anyone can follow it for free on my blog... I haven't decided yet in what avenue I will publish it. I also am a speaker... I love the opportunities that the Lord gives me to vocally share His Word with others. My hope is that the Lord will allow 2014 to continue with these opportunities as well.
Sound like something you would like to try? Nicole is allowing me to giveaway THREE PDF copies of each book! Yes, if you win, you will get copies of both Devotions from Genesis and Devotions from Exodus, Part One! For your chance to win, just click on the rafflecopter below!
Be blessed!
Author Nicole Vaughn is the Children’s Ministry Director at Shiloh Baptist Church in Somerville, AL. She is the co-administrator of CrossRoads Christian Academy. She is the founder of Proven Path Ministries. She has also lead inductive Precept Upon Precept studies, has served as an advocate for her local crisis pregnancy center and has shared the testimony of Christ throughout her community and abroad. Nicole is a woman who is dedicated in her faith, devoted to her family, and driven to share the truth of God with others. She and her husband, Patrick, currently reside in Decatur, AL with their two youngest children.
favorite bible is the New Testament, but love them all :)
ReplyDeleteThat's a toughie...I love studying the Bible in-depth and find there is so much richness that one doesn't necessary see when just reading (although that's good stuff too). I've enjoyed Revelation, Daniel, Psalms, Job, the gospels, and the list could go on...told you it was a toughie :) Jennifer H.