Most of you know we have four kiddos. Some of you even know said kids. But some of you are newer here so I thought this would be a good time to reintroduce them and catch you up to some changes. Plus, my fellow Timberdoodle Blogger Team members are all talking about their kids this week, so hey, I am joining the fun!
Our oldest is 25. You may know her as the seamstress and quilt maker. For over 6 or so years, she has run Ashton's Attic, making homemade t-shirt quilts. Her father and I begged her to do one last move with us to Arizona and as it turns out, she has settled in nicely. Loves our church, loves the warmer weather, and has a new job she adores. Get this- working in the finance and mortgage world, of all things. This is the same girls who used to cry whenever we did math. Yep, the irony cracks me up. But for some reason, Stewardship took a chance on her, and she loves what she does.
Our next daughter is 21 and recently graduated with a Musical Theater degree. We thought she was headed to Disney when she got offered a job as...wait for it, A QUEEN, for the newly opened Medieval Times in Scottsdale, AZ. Yep, went from the princess we always knew she was to Queen in one audition. She, too, works with an amazing group of people she adores and comes home from work daily singing, "I love my job!"
Our oldest son is a senior in high school and will soon be 18! Where has time gone? He is pretty much finished with high school and is dual-crediting college colleges at lightning speed. Next fall he will be pursuing a Gunsmithing degree. For those who know and love him, you know that knives and guns are his passion and we are excited to see where this opportunity leads him. Turns out, we may be following HIM for a change to his new location. (more of that to come as some point!)
And our youngest! He is 12 and ready to rock the world! He is still swimming and recently played flag football on a homeschool team. They won all but one game, so suffice to say he was thrilled. We are currently homeschooling in 7th grade and history is still his favorite subject! He keeps me busy which is good since I don't see the older three as much these days!
As our life slowly transitions, I find myself contemplating shutting down the blog at times. You may have noticed it's been a bit quiet around here. BUT- there are some exciting changes coming in our lives and if nothing else, at least my family will be entertained! ;) I also have a few fun ideas brewing- we will see if I can get myself going!
Thanks for visiting us in our little neck of the woods!
Thanks for joining in! It was fun to meet your kids!