Monday, April 4, 2016

Pitchin' a Fit- Thoughts on My Parenting These Days and Review

I have had the pleasure of reviewing the book Full Time Parenting written by Israel Wayne before so when I saw that he and his lovely wife Brook had written a book together, I jumped at the chance to review it.  As parents of 9 children and fellow Christians,  I knew they would be coming from a similar background as we do in parenting and was eager to hear what hey had to say!

Pitchin' a Fit, yes, I have kids that do that occasionally, and I could always use some advice.  It takes a village, right?

And then I began the book.

Guess what?

That whole Pitchin' a Fit thing?  They were talking about me, well, parents.

Hey!  How did they know???

Guess I should have paid more attention to the subtitle- Overcoming Angry and Stressed-Out Parenting

THAT was not what I wanted to read.  I wanted the Waynes to tell me how to control my kiddos, not myself.

I mean, I am in control.  Most of the time.  Until someone makes me mad.

Ugh, OK, fine, I needed this book.

Raising my first three kids, I would tell you, and I think so would others, that I was a very patient person.  I corrected with quiet patience, I reacted slowly and deliberately, and I used words of love and confirmation.  Together, my husband and I even taught parenting classes on how to do the same.

Whether my age is to blame, or one strong will child is, who knows, but let's just say times have changed.  There are times, shhhh, don't tell, that I find myself not being the parent I used to be or even the parent I would like to be.  My tolerance level is lower and my threshold for anger is higher.

Pitchin' a Fit is easy to do!

Yep, this book was timely and helpful!

In 12 short but thorough chapters Israel and Brooke talk about anger, where it comes from, and how we are to better handle it.  With multiple scripture to back their every thought, it is enlightening and convicting.  Don't 'ya just hate when that happens!  By first looking at anger, the Waynes guide their readers to see where it fits rightly, or not, into our lives as well as helping figure out what triggers it in our own lives.

Chapters include-
Stressed Out and Overwhelmed
Is It wrong to Get Angry
What Causes Anger?
Provoking Our Children to Wrath
Trigger Happy- What Sets You Off
Yelling Moms, Hollering Dads
"But I'm Not Patient
What Patience IS and Isn't
Nurturing in the Heart of Correction
The Power of Affirmation
Creating Peace in the Home

I believe that God can and will use anything to get our attention, and I believe that this book is just one of the things He has used lately to grab mine.

"It is appropriate to feel, and properly express anger when we see genuine sin and injustice, but we must ensure that we are under the control of the Holy Spirit and not resort to our own sinful and fleshly tactics." (page 39)  I don't know about you but I am pretty sure my sinful, fleshly tactics get me in a lot of trouble and a lot of anger matches with my youngest.  It was a good reminder, one I need daily,  May I rely on the Holy Spirit to parent, and not my own (very lacking) skills and knowledge.

"A peaceful home doesn't happen overnight.  Anytime you have two humans together there is potential for conflict,"  (p.144) Yes, and amen!  But the good news is there is hope.  Israel and Brooke will give you that and so much more in this book- read, soak it in, and find peace in your parenting.  It is possible!

With God- all things are possible!


About Israel Wayne

Israel Wayne is a homeschool graduate and father of eight who is passionate about defending the Christian faith and developing a Biblical worldview. He is a popular conference speaker who desires to see God’s people learn to think and live Biblically.

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