Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Butterflies, Ladybugs, and Goodbyes

Some days of homeschooling are just plain fun!  Last week, our official last week of school, had several of those days.  We have just finished up our Nancy Larson Level 1 Science, the last unit being about insects.  Our family has raised butterflies before but that was before Colby came home, so this was all new to him.  He loved every minute.  Except the letting them go part.  Oh, how that sweet kiddo did NOT want to say goodbye to them.  All five were named.  And he really thought all five could live with us forever.  Luckily we were able to work through it and finally celebrated their freedom.  

To make the moment more magical, two butterflies landed on Colby's hand and one even stayed for a while.  It made his day!  And mine!

Next up, the ladybugs.  Luckily for us, there were too many to be named and grow attached to! ;) They too decided they liked Colby and at one point there were several climbing all over him.  Too cute!

So yes, we have finished a fun science for the year.  And yes, we will continue Nancy Larson Science next year.  Our plans are to work through Levels 3 and 4 for Colby's 3rd grade year.  I don't think we are raising more insects, but it does look like there are some fun projects to come!

Just another fun day in homeschooling!


Linking up with friends!

I Choose Joy!

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