This week is a fun one for me- Seeking Beauty: the Arts and Everything that Brings Beauty to Our World. For us, that equals extracurricular activities.
Unfortunately for my kiddos, I am not an arts-and-crafts kind of gal. If something calls for scissors and glue, I tend to pass it by. Sad, but true. We used to do fun stuff like that when I was schooling just one, but I am older and wiser, or maybe just more tired now.
The biggest extracurricular activity for our kids is a foreign language. We begin early and just try to have fun, so by the time they reach highschool it should be a breeze. (In theory, of course!) We have tried many out there and I have several I love, so be patient with me. As I have said often, find out what your child's learning style is and cater to that! You will benefit in the end!
Elementary- Song School Spanish
Upper Elementary- Flip Flop Spanish
Middle School- Spanish For You and Excellerate Spanish
High School- Rosetta Stone - I am going to be honest with you here, Rosetta Stone is not my favorite, BUT it is widely accepted by colleges as a complete high school course, so I use it.
One more word about extracurricular-type activities. If you have a homeschool co-op in your town, I would suggest you check them out. Not all are created equal, and I understand the need to pick and choose, but if you find a good one- go! It is a great way to make friends, learn new things, and socialize! (You, not the kids! haha!) My kids have done classes this year in art, speech, history and more!
As a matter of fact, next week I want to tell you about two great classes- Men Mentoring Minors and Growing Godly Girls and how I snuck an etiquette class in for fun!
Here are some fellow bloggers talking about what makes their homeschool days beautiful-
The Art of Organization…or How Clutter Almost Ruined My Homeschool by Susan @ Homeschooling Hearts & Minds
The Shadow of Divine Perfection by Lisa @ Golden Grasses
Relaxed Homeschooling: Fine Arts in the Early Elementary Years by Brittney @ Mom's Heart
Fine Arts {Art Appreciation, Art, Composer Study Hymn Study} for 2015 by Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses
Adding Sparkle to Home Education by Sarah @ Delivering Grace
And All the Extras by Christy @ Unexpected Homeschool
Teaching Art Using the Bible by Tauna @ Proverbial Homemaker
Art In Every Subject by Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break
Letting Art Just Happen in Homeschool by Amy @ One Blessed Mamma
Missing Art? by Kristen H. @ Sunrise to Sunset
Fine Arts in Our Classical / Charlotte Mason Homeschool by Sharra @ The Homeschool Marm
The Science of Beauty for a Delight-Directed Daughter by Susan @ The Every Day of Education
Seeking Beauty: How we Tackle the Arts in our Homeschool by Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory
Learning To Appreciate Beauty With Fine Arts Resources@ As We Walk Along the Road by Leah@ As We Walk Along the Road
Until then,
I'm not an Arts and Craft person either, so I hope the kids get enough creative activities in with the few projects we do in addition to activities at church and co-op. I agree co-op is a great place for extracurricular classes--my boys adored their LEGO class last semester!