Friday, July 18, 2014

Time to regroup and relax!

I am tired.  Did I mention that on Wednesday in my pitiful post?

I know, summer is supposed to be a time of fun and excitement.  And it is!  We have been blessed with family visits, exciting adventures, time with friends and all the fun summer brings.

But I am fried,  physically and mentally.  Mostly mentally.

I miss my boring routine.  I miss my schedule.  I miss quiet and peace.

I think that is why I love fall and winter.  Warm and cozy house,  quiet routines.

Boring, you say?  Yes, please!

When we started the process of decluttering our lives of STUFF, it was a freeing feeling.  With everything that went out the door I felt like a piece of my brain was freed up.  We were brutal with moving things out and it was good.  But clutter is about more than just stuff.

It is about a mindset as well.

My brain is on overload from too much input.  I don't know about you, but I find when we get too busy and my mind gets too cluttered, I get tired.  And cranky.  And my groove is off.  And all of a sudden I do not feel like I have anything left to give.

Not good!

Because I want to give.  I want to bless others.  I want to be a great mom and a great wife.  I want to blog with a passion, review with that same passion and mentor fellow homeschooling moms just starting out.  I want to point others to Jesus and remind them they are a loved child of God.

Instead, right now I just want to hide in a closet and not use any more words for the day.   As my husband said, we sometimes need input to recharge us, not just drain us.  Right now, there is a lot of draining going on.

Pitiful, huh?

The solution?  Well, I would like to say I have one, but not so much.  I do want to enjoy summer and not wish  it away, but I also know I need to find some balance.  I need to take time to just spend quiet time with the kids, or get this-my husband, time to read a book in a cozy chair and time to recharge.   I need to spend some real planning time devoted to this blog and enjoy peaceful conversations with friends.

I need to regroup and relax!

I will let you know how it works! ;)



  1. Oh, I hear you. I don't feel like I've been on my game for a long time. I feel like homeschooling last year was a bust (lots of sit down and do your school work and unfinished books). I just started planning for the fall yesterday....even though I feel like I need to finish stuff from last year, I have come to the realization that nothing is going to happen if I don't plan now.

  2. Perhaps I've been missing routines. It seems like our short summer flew by in a whirlwind of jumbled schedules. I think I could use some extra quiet time (maybe even a nap), but first I'm going to straighten up everything around here that's gotten all strewn about in our comings and goings.


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