Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lessons Learned- Three Years of Living in a RV finale

Welcome friends, we have come to end of Tracey's journey.  Actually, that is not entirely true. We have come to the end of her three years of living in a RV journey, but let's face it, our journey is not over until God says so.  Until then he just keeps loving us through our stuff! Hopefully we are all learning along the way.  So without further adieu, here is the rest of the story- along with the lessons Tracey learned...
If you are just starting you will want to read part 1, part 2 and part 3!

Well we are not on the mission field yet.  3 weeks after the house sale was final my husband received orders with the military to move again!!!!!  Not only move but to move in 60 days.  What? Where did that come from?  I know, it is from the Lord.  Again we have seen the Lord work in ways we couldn’t imagine. This wasn’t our plan- it was the Lord’s.  I thought we would have been in Canada somewhere seeking out how we were going to be serving him in coming years. Instead God moved us to Florida to finish out my husband’s career.  I again may not understand or even like His plans but when I look back at those 3 years camping out, I see such good and glorious things God brought to us.

I will again remember Proverbs 3:5-6

 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

Here is a list of things God has taught me. (Not in a particular order)
1. God has taught me that I don't need as much stuff as I thought I needed to be able to live. 
2. I have to keep my eyes completely on him. 
3. Let go and let God lead. 
4. Trials can make us stronger.
5. My plans are not always God's plans and I may have to toss my plans in the trash.
6. It isn't always easy to follow God but the blessing that comes from it is well worth it.
7. Learn to be content with what God has given you.

My list could probably go on and on but these are what stand out to me. I also learned cleaning a 32 ft camper is easier and quicker than an entire house. Lol

I thank God for that time in the camper and who knows, maybe we will have to do it again. If so, I will know God has a reason and I need to follow him.

A BIG thank you to Tracey for taking the time to write down her story and for allowing me to share it with you.. It is our prayer that it will touch you and inspire you to trust God and allow Him to do big things through you.  It is never easy, but it is ALWAYS worth it!


Frugal Homeschool Friday {a frugal living and/or homeschooling link up}

Welcome Home Wednesdays


  1. ...and learning lessons from God makes anything worth the struggle.
    Wishing Tracy many blessings and joy in her new home!
    good post!

  2. Loved your series! I would love to know if you live minimally now that you have a larger place to live?


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