Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Remembering January

One of the focal points of my blog is our life, which includes homeschooling our three younger kiddos.  (The oldest is now in college!)  And one of the things I want to purpose to do this year is to have a "scrapbook" of sorts to remember what we have been doing.  Mostly in pictures, mind you, to keep the boredom down and the joy up!

Enjoy Remembering January!

Dad gets into the act occasionally - Legos are school, right?

Snow play counts as PE, right?

This is a pile of books our 6th grader is working through for Literature.  Sonlight, anyone?

Our college girl sought out the warmest place in the house to do her online classes.

Sometimes, a little chocolate for rewards gets it done faster! (For the 1st grader, not the college kid)

Stocking up!

All About Spelling has been a great thing for us!  He loves the hands on part.

Learning how to order numbers - all across the living room, of course.

And of course, more animals for our Apologia Land Animals zoo.  From back to front - that is an elephant, a hippo, a rhino and a donkey, in case you did not recognize them.

Now that he is reading like a pro we get to listen.  With his sister home, the audience has gotten bigger.  Notice the continued theme of being wrapped in a blanket.  It is COLD here in South Dakota!

His new adventure! He is so excited and we are so proud of him.

Notice, one daughter is missing from all the pictures.  That is because she does school upstairs in her room and is MIA all day long!  I told her that she HAD to come down in February to have pictures done or you all would think we had gotten rid of her!

And in between it all, this is where you will find me!



  1. Looks like a great month! Love the chocolate chips, haha, I need to get some for Lance.

    1. For reward, not bribery. There is a difference, right?! ;)

  2. (For the 1st grader, not the college kid)- I found chocolate works great for college kids too. Ashton loved, along with the rest, my candy box. I had a student once tell me that since I have chocolate we were not a sweat shop, because sometimes it feels like that. Love to all of you
    Kelley at the Costume Cottage

    1. She misses you all! Can't wait for her to share her latest sewing projects! You taught her so much- thank you for loving her, and supplying chocolate!

  3. Love this peek into your days! The laying down snowman made me laughed! We've had snowman like that. It's such a bummer to the kids that the snow doesn't stick together well. And we spend a lot of the day under blankets too. My brother gave the girls this electric hand warmer thing, kind of like a fancy heating pad and I find them with it in their laps or on their backs during school. It's been a cold winter! Jennifer H.


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